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Prof. Dr. Andrea Maier

Prof. Dr. Andrea Maier is an internist and professor of aging (“ longevity medicine ”) at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and the University of Melbourne, Australia. She studies the aging body and searches for anti-aging treatments. She heads the Center for Healthy Longevity in Singapore.
Why do we gradually decline during our average life of more than 80 years? Can we stop that process? Or maybe even turn around? And to what extent should we really want that? Maier gives practical tips on how we can extend our lifespan while also staying healthy.

Topics Andrea Maier talks about

  • Health
  • Aging and rejuvenation
  • Interventions to reverse aging
  • Gerontology
  • Innovation in medicine
  • Medicine

Background Andrea Maier

Andrea Maier graduated in Medicine from the University of Lübeck in 2003. She specialized in internal medicine at the Leiden University Medical Center and subsequently chose the subspecialty of Geriatric Medicine. This is where she started her research into aging.

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