Quercetin is an enriched flavonoid plant with anti-oxidant properties. These anti-oxidants are natural or manufactured supplements that aid in treating the pathological disorders caused by free radicals. It also has anti-allergy, anti-cancer, and brain-protective qualities. Quercetin is used in various foods and as a dietary supplement as well. Let’s find out how quercetin works and if there are quercetin side effects on thyroid.
Quercetin is present in many common foods, such as onions, grapes, apples, and berries. Typically, the daily dosage range varies from 500 mg to 1000 mg. A 2014 study at Pescara’s Department of Medicine and Sciences of Aging found that Quercetin could affect the thyroid and is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. Quercetin’s side effects on the thyroid can affect other thyroid-restricted genes. Quercetin looks relatively safe, but it shows some adverse side effects, so consult with a certified physician.
How does Quercetin work?
The anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of quercetin help to decrease prostate inflammation. Hormones impact practically every organ in the body and regulate many of the body’s most vital activities. They affect your respiration, heart rate, weight, digestion, and emotions. For example, if left untreated, hyperthyroidism can have significant consequences for your heart, bones, muscles, menstrual cycle, and fertility.
Multiple studies expressed the possible toxicity of excessive quercetin consumption and showed that flavonoids, including Quercetin, can interfere with thyroid function. According to a scientific study, quercetin reduces thyroid cell proliferation and iodide uptake. They reduce sodium/iodide symporter gene expression.
Uses and Effectiveness of Quercetin
- Prevents High Blood Pressure: Taking 365mg of Quercetin aglycone twice a day lowers the blood pressure by 5 to 7 mmHg in person with untreated mild high blood pressure.
- Helps in combat aging: Quercetin appears to help renew or remove senescent cells (or zombie cells) and lower aging indicators in test tubes and animals.
- Prevents infections: Quercetin has antibacterial characteristics that are worthwhile against germs in the stomach, skin, lungs, urinary, and intestines.
- Boosts exercise performance: An analysis of different human trials proves that quercetin supplementation may increase endurance exercise performance by a small amount.
- Controls the risk of heart disease: Flavonoids are present in fruits and vegetables; therefore, these can lower your risk of developing certain diseases. Diet plays a critical role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disorders like heart disease and strokes. In a person susceptible to heart disease, quercetin may increase blood vessel cell health and blood flow via arteries.
- Controls High Cholesterol:Quercetin supplements did not lower bad cholesterol (LDL), drop total cholesterol, and raise high cholesterol (HDL).
- Prevents Prostate pain and swelling: Taking Quercetin by mouth reduces discomfort and improves the quality of life. Still, it doesn’t seem to relieve urinary difficulties in men with persistent prostate problems caused by infection.
Quercetin side effects on thyroid
A recent study of food and drug administration (FDA) of the United States shows that Quercetin is a generally safe substance. However, excessive dosages cause headaches, nausea, and tingling feeling. If you take Quercetin in a moderate amount, then Quercetin is probably safe for most users. But, as is the case of excessive dosage, there might be adverse quercetin’s side effects on the thyroid gland. At the same time, there isn’t enough accurate information to establish the amount of quercetin suitable to not have an adverse impact on the skin. If overdosed or taken without a physician’s advice, Quercetin can affect your health.
- Kidney damage: Quercetin, if taken as part of a balanced and healthy diet, the natural anti-oxidants present in fruits and vegetables, can be beneficial. Extremely high amounts may result in kidney damage.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Quercetin is safe when administered intravenously (by IV) in reasonable dosages (less than 722 mg). However, greater IV doses are unsafe. There isn’t enough reliable data to say whether Quercetin is safe to take when pregnant or breastfeeding.
What is the best supplement for an underactive thyroid?
Thyroid function and hormone levels a balanced by selenium and zinc. Zinc boosts T3 levels considerably, according to research published in Hormones: The Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Shellfish, mollusks, meat, legumes, and nuts are all excellent sources of zinc.
What drugs should you avoid taking if you’re taking Quercetin?
If you’re taking any of the medicines below, consult your doctor before taking quercetin. Quercetin is not compatible when taken with Antibiotics, Anticoagulants (blood thinners), Chemotherapy, Corticosteroids, Cyclosporine, Digoxin, Fluoroquinolones.
Is it safe to take Quercetin daily? Quercetin is successfully used for 12 weeks at dosages up to 1g. The higher usage may cause severe side effects. Quercetin proved safe for most people when used for a short period when taken by mouth.
Quercetin side effects on thyroid Conclusion
The scientific investigations revealed that people who consumed a large number of flavonoids had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.Quercetin is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Many fruits and vegetables contain it. You can get it in several fruits and vegetables. The capacity of Quercetin to defend against illnesses such as osteoporosis, lung cancer, and cardiovascular disease is said to provide several health benefits.
The researchers came to the conclusion that the supplements have should not be mixed with drugs. Some experts also warn about rare side effects of Quercetin on the thyroid that have never been seen before but could happen if the supplements are taken. Some forms of quercetin supplement contain kelp, a form of seaweed that may potentially contain dangerously high doses of iodine. Buying a high-quality quercetin supplement from a reliable source is recommended. Liposomal Quercetin is a must-have at Purovitalis.

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