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Purovitalis News

A healthy woman smiles joyfully while enjoying life outdoors, symbolizing the positive effects of nicotinamide riboside supplements on well-being.

Nicotinamide Riboside Benefits and Side Effects

Nicotinamide may sound like something from a science book, but it’s actually one of the most common forms of niacin, or vitamin B3, that’s included in supplements. Like other vitamin B3 forms, your body transforms nicotinamide riboside into nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+).

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What is ca-akg? 3D render of the alpha-ketoglutarate molecule, highlighting its complex structure and atomic bonds.

What is Ca-AKG? Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects

Calcium alpha-ketoglutarate (Ca-AKG) is a compound that has sparked significant interest in the health and wellness community for its multifaceted benefits. As a crucial player in the Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle, Ca-AKG is vital for energy production at the cellular level. Its role extends beyond mere energy production, influencing areas such as longevity, hair health, and bone density.

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