Resveratrol Foods | Best Sources of Resveratrol | Purovitalis

5 Resveratrol Foods You Need to be Eating More

5 resveratrol foods you need to be taking more of

A phytochemical called resveratrol is known to fight free radicals. Foods rich in resveratrol include grapes, wine, cocoa, peanuts, pistachios, and berries. While the amount of resveratrol present in each is small, there is no harm in eating a lump sum of plant foods.

Foods High in Resveratrol

Below is a list of popular foods rich in resveratrol and an insight into the other benefits you can reap.

1. Red Grapes and Resveratrol

Red grapes have the most resveratrol. Grapes provide 50-100 micrograms of resveratrol per gram. The fruit’s skin is rich in the antioxidant.

In addition, grapes are an incredible source of vitamin C, K, and potassium. The way the grapes are grown is more important than their color or type when it comes to how much resveratrol they have.

Red wine is a great source of resveratrol because it is made with the skins of red grapes, while white wine is made without the skins. However, keeping the harm that alcohol does to our bodies, it is best to limit the consumption of red wine.

You can treat your body with the goodness of resveratrol by consuming grapes in their natural form. Add them to salads, smoothies, or your breakfast cereal twice or thrice a week and relish a lip-smacking concoction of health and taste.

The difference between grape seed extract vs resveratrol

2. Blueberries

These tiny berries are yet another source of resveratrol. However, not all blueberries contain resveratrol. The origin and type determine the beneficial plant compound’s presence or absence. While highbush blueberries from British Columbia do not show any trace of resveratrol, those from Michigan serve as its source.

Besides resveratrol, blueberries have a lot to offer. They are loaded with health benefits. The presence of anthocyanin and certain other flavonoids reduces inflammation, prevents oxidative damage, and promotes heart and brain health, among other benefits in regular consumers.

3. Resveratrol in Peanuts

Peanuts have a secured position in the list of resveratrol foods. You can stock the antioxidant by consuming peanut butter or raw, boiled, roasted peanuts. Peanut butter and boiled peanuts have considerably higher amounts of resveratrol at concentrations of 0.3-0.12 milligrams per gram and 0.04-0.13 milligrams per gram, respectively.

In addition, they are a rich source of niacin and vitamin B1, which help maintain brain health and prevent age-related cognitive disorders. Manganese and phosphorus in peanuts make bone stronger, while vitamins C and E ensure that your skin remains healthy and glowing.

If you’re a fan of nuts, learn how incorporating cashews into your diet can benefit your health, as they are a great source of collagen.

4. Cranberries

Cranberries are yet another source of resveratrol. Their tartness can upset your taste buds, so you might not prefer eating them raw. Cranberry juice had about 1.07 nmol/g of resveratrol in it. You can treat yourself to its juice or cook it in any form you like.

Cranberries also impart added health benefits. They are a rich source of fiber, protecting the body from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and gastrointestinal problems. Vitamin C present in it exerts its antioxidant effect and prevents oxidative damage while improving the body’s immunity. Other minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and zinc also work together for the proper functioning of the body.

5. Plums

Plums are rich in resveratrol too. According to studies, red plums contain much higher quantities of resveratrol than their green counterparts. In addition to the salubrious phytochemical, it presents many other health benefits.

They are rich in potassium, copper, manganese, and vitamins A, K, and C. Plums ease diarrhea and have been linked to a reduction in blood sugar. Besides, they also promote bone and heart health and exert robust anti-inflammatory effects.


With this, we come to the end of our list of resveratrol foods. While you can always take resveratrol supplements, intake through natural sources is a healthier approach. That way, your body will reap the benefits of the phytochemical as well as of other micro and macro-nutrients in the food.

For foods rich in Spermidine click here.

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Prof. Dr. Andrea Maier

Prof. Dr. Andrea Maier is an internist and professor of aging (“ longevity medicine ”) at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and the University of Melbourne, Australia. She studies the aging body and searches for anti-aging treatments. She heads the Center for Healthy Longevity in Singapore.
Why do we gradually decline during our average life of more than 80 years? Can we stop that process? Or maybe even turn around? And to what extent should we really want that? Maier gives practical tips on how we can extend our lifespan while also staying healthy.

Topics Andrea Maier talks about

  • Health
  • Aging and rejuvenation
  • Interventions to reverse aging
  • Gerontology
  • Innovation in medicine
  • Medicine

Background Andrea Maier

Andrea Maier graduated in Medicine from the University of Lübeck in 2003. She specialized in internal medicine at the Leiden University Medical Center and subsequently chose the subspecialty of Geriatric Medicine. This is where she started her research into aging.

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